Know The Facts Before You Buy

Avoid misleading ISP claims by asking the right questions:

Continuous or Burst Speed?
ISPs often quote “burst” speeds (speeds delivered only for a few seconds) to attract customers. However, what your business needs is continuously delivered Internet speed to maintain productivity & staff morale.

At WiFiBy, we quote only continuous speed.

Symmetrical or Asymmetrical Speed?
ISPs allocate up to 90% of their quoted speed strictly for downloads and limit your upload speed. That hurts your Internet performance for cloud file storage, cloud file backup, and cloud apps. Don’t settle — demand an Internet plan that delivers equal (symmetrical) upload & download speed.

At WiFiBy, we deliver symmetrical speed plans.

Dedicated or Shared Traffic?
ISPs often combine voice & data traffic on the same connection which slows performance. Don’t be fooled by consumer “bundles” – your business needs a connection dedicated to Internet-only traffic.

At WiFiBy, our network is dedicated to Internet-only traffic.